Monday, March 12, 2012

You Mustn't Eat Naked

Salad that is. Salad dressings are easily overlooked. After all it's so easy to just buy a bottle with the added "benefit" of Calcium Disodium EDTA (used to protect quality). WHAT? I have be creating salad dressings for years. We have salad approximately four times a week, so it became necessity as well as really fun. Basic "rules" are as follows, (even though I am more of a rule breaker than a rule maker). You need a SWEET, a SOUR and a FAT. You can't go wrong and you won't be disappointed. My SWEET varies from honey, to orange marmalade to various jams. My SOUR might be vinegar, lemon or lime juice or banana pepper brine. My FAT is almost always extra virgin olive oil or occasionally canola oil. I like canola oil if I am going for an Asian theme. Mix and match, match and mix, whisk vigorously as you go and you will create something wonderfully scrumptious and your kids will even eat the salad. Who could resist the deliciousness? Give it a try, you won't look back. You will soon realize that eating salad with bottled dressing is like eating in your underwear, it can be done-but why? Not pretty....


  1. Oh, this is awesome.
    I love homemade dressings, but I always have to hunt down recipes for them.
    This gives me the confidence to try some experimentation, THANKS! :D

  2. Ashlee, you can't go wrong! Taste as you go, even the "flops" aren't bad :)
